

Mycorrhizae 0,2%

Rhizobacteria (Pseudomonas spp., Bacillus spp., Streptomyces spp.) 3,2 x 108 CFU/g

Trichoderma (Trichoderma spp.) 1,0 x 105 CFU/g

Technical Features

Mix of microorganisms for roots applications on orchards

MICORAD® is an organic fertilizer, based on a mix of different microorganisms, specifically designed for applications via fertirrigation on orchards, new plantations and tree nurseries, which helps to pass the transplanting period and improve the vegetative restart growth.


  • Improvement in nutrition efficiency and plant growth, thanks to a wider root system that enables nutrients absorption, even under water and salt stress conditions
  • Rapid formation of the wood structures, anticipating the production stages of newly-planted trees and improving the biometric parameter for wine cutting in nurseries
  • Improvement in wood residues and allelochemicals degradation and metabolization in soil, reducing the soil and re-planting periods stresses.


Orchards, Tree nurserie.


Application rates

Rate of application: 5 kg/ha.

See the label.


Bag - 5 kg

Type of products Nr. of Registration (Italy)
Organic agricolture - Specific-action product
CLP Classification Formulation


Wettable Powder
