Caolino - Polvere di Roccia


Kaolin rock powder as it is from mechanical grinding 100%

Technical Features

PLANT STRENGTHENER – Kaolin milled rock 

KAOLIN Rock powder is a natural product based on very fine Kaolin milled rock, which applied uniformly on plants, creates a whitish film on the vegetation, reducing heat stresses and consequent burns by UV and infrared refraction, without impeding gasses exchanges and jeopardizing fruits maturation.

Anti-transpiring and refracting actions reduce the temperature on the leaves and optimizes the use of water, leading to increase in yield, even with reduced water availability.

Furthermore, Rock powder, reducing the time leaves are wet, creates a physical barrier towards pests and prevents the development of fungal diseases.


Olive, Tomato, Zucchini, Apple, Grapes, Orchards, Vegetables and Ornamentals.

Application rates

Rate of application: 2,5-5 kg/hL;

See the label.


Bag - 5 kg

Type of products Nr. of Registration (Italy)
Organic agricolture - Plant strengthner
CLP Classification Formulation

Pericolo: H372

